Growing up I thought I had it bad because my mom was always taking pictures. Literally every moment was a photo moment and she spent a fortune getting films developed when we had returned from somewhere special. I remember our holidays and we would stop every day at a shop to buy more rolls of film it felt like. My dad and brother used to joke that we should look into van hire and leave her to it. At the time it wasn’t so bad standing for pictures but boy do I regret them now! She has hundreds of awful photos of me which she now seems to use as ammunition to embarrass me at every opportunity. I don’t even remember liking the Spice Girls yet in every photo I seem to be dressed from head to toe in Spice Girl attire (cringe). Oh well, not a lot I can do now.
I remember going to friends houses and seeing them and their whole family looking amazing in some huge framed picture on the wall. They would all be immaculately dressed, the boys would most likely have bowl haircuts and they would all be grinning away. I remember wondering why we had no photos taken like that where for once I could actually be dressed nice and posing! So now I am older I decided to look in to professional photography for me, my partner and our puppy. However, after seeing how some family photos involving their beloved pets have turned out…. I think I may give professional family portraits a miss.
Here are some of the funniest pet family portraits around…..
The eyes tell it all…this poor dog is screaming for help!
Only the poor dog seems to understand why this seems a little awkward….let’s just hope Master and owner aren’t really that close shall we….
This poor guy thinks he looks super cool posing in his boxers but someone needs to tell him that posing with your dog and in a lying down position…that’s just weird!
Oh my, I think the dog is trying to eye up an exit! Would you really want to hang a portrait on the wall of you son looking sadistic and your family pet looking terrified!?
Surely there are a million violations happening here of some kind? Pets have rights too you know!
This portrait screams were a couple who love Rabbits, white picket fences, plants in pots and…..cheese!!!!
I wonder if these girls often hang out together in the middle of the woods, in full length prom dresses and of course holding chickens?
This picture is just plain scary! Can you imagine this popping through on a postcard for the holidays.
You just know these monkeys are the children they could never have!
This little girl obviously doesn’t share her mom and dads enthusiasm for gigantic, man eating sized snakes….I don’t blame her!
Can you all say….CHEESE!