Social Media and the Spread of Misinformation
These days, people get their news from Twitter, Facebook and similar media sites that get to the stories faster than traditional news outlets that get the news out to those looking for it as...
Victoria Coren Mitchell: A Writer Turned Record-Breaking Poker Player
Some women have done it all, changing the course of history while doing so. In the world of law and politics, the names Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Kamala Harris are forever immortalized as trailblazers;...
Top 20 Weirdest Celebrity Baby Names
I’ve always hated my name. The name ‘Wanda’ never appeared on any little personalized trinkets for sale at dollar stores, gift shops and gas stations. Please, Mom – something normal. Maybe Elizabeth… Beth for...
A Heidi Klum Halloween
Every year it becomes more and more clear that Halloween is really just an excuse for girls to dress in the smallest amount of clothes possible without fearing arrest. One need look no further...
Man Candy Monday: Josh Dallas
Who is Josh Dallas? The Vital Stats:
Name: Joshua Paul Dallas
Nicknames: Josh
Height: 6’1"
Age: 30
Born: December 18, 1981 in Louisville, Kentucky
Profession: Actor
Status: Currently separated from wife, actress Laura Pulver
Filmography (year, title, role):
2006: Ultimate Force (Weaver) – television series, 1 episode "The Dividing Line"
2008: 80...
Blake Lively – Net Worth, Biography of a Renowned Actress and Supermom
We are always caught in awe of how beautiful this woman is. Blake Lively is one of the acclaimed American actresses. Now, she is known to be a supermom! Let us get to know...
The Most Expensive Albums Ever Sold
There are various reasons for albums costing so much. Some may have been extremely expensive to record and so the expense has been passed on to the buying public. However, when I was reading...
15 More Celebrities to Follow On Twitter 2012
It’s finally happened. Betty White (@BettyMWhite) has joined Twitter. A while back, I came up with a list of fifteen celebrities worth following on Twitter but Betty White was not on that list so...
What Is So Interesting About The Kardashians?
Seriously, who hasn’t heard of the Kardashians? And don’t worry, we won’t ask which Kardashian you might know. But without any doubt, we can bet our bottom dollar that Kim Kardashian West is the...
Heiress Protecting SUVs
Young, rich and undoubtedly beautiful heiresses to fortunes and thrones need protection from those individuals who would threaten their safety. In their opulent homes, sophisticated security systems and bodyguards take care of their charges...