Every year it becomes more and more clear that Halloween is really just an excuse for girls to dress in the smallest amount of clothes possible without fearing arrest. One need look no further than Hollywood for the proof. Kim Kardashian as a sexy Red Riding Hood. Teri Hatcher as a sexy Queen of Hearts. Paris Hilton as, well, any number of things with the word sexy as a prefix. It never fails. Hollywood always brings its A-game (or T & A game, if you prefer) when it comes to the various Halloween themed bashes they attend and honestly, I look forward to it. It’s fun to see what the celebs are wearing because my Halloween adventures are never even close to that interesting. This year I sat home and worked on this article. I’m not sure whether I should consider that a trick or a treat.

Yes, Hollywood never disappoints when it comes to Halloween. There was the year that Paris Hilton went to prison and dressed up as an inmate for Halloween (a sexy one, of course) and who could forget Jersey Shore‘s Snooki dressing up as a pickle? If Hollywood couples are more your thing, you might remember Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey dressing up as cookies and milk a few years back or, my personal favorite, Christina Aguilera and then husband Jordan Bratman (pictured above) dressed as a vampire and his bride… or something. I’m not actually sure what they were supposed to be but I loved the costume. There is always one celebrity I look forward to more than all of the others though. The morning after Halloween, I head straight to the gossip sites to see what she wore. Folks, Heidi Klum knows how to do Halloween and she knows how to do it well. Let’s take a look back at the last eleven years of Heidi’s awesome Halloween looks.

2000: Classic Goth
Relatively tame by the standards set by her newer costumes, Heidi really started showing her creative side with this classic Gothic costume way back in 2000. The dress, the makeup and the wig were plenty sexy but while everyone else was doing their best to go heaviest on the sexy, Heidi chose to throw a little spooky in there too. While it pales in comparison to what we’ve seen her do with Halloween in recent years, this one is actually one of my favorites and marks the first time I really started getting excited about her choice of costume.

2001: Lady Godiva
It’s hard to question someone’s commitment to a good costume when part of their costume means arriving on a horse. Wearing a flood length blond wig, a white body suit and a beaded headpiece, Klum was a vision of seductive horror with the trickle of fake blood around her mouth. And the horse, the horse – of course, of course (couldn’t resist). Yes, Klum made a heck of an entrance and let the world know that she’s not only one of the sexiest super models in the world but she also takes Halloween seriously. The love affair kicked into high gear. I couldn’t wait to see what she’d do in 2002.

2002: Betty Boop
They can’t all be winners. I love Betty Boop and I love Heidi Klum but I’ll admit, I was hoping for a little more after her Lady Godiva from the previous year. With that said, her take on Betty Boop was still phenomenal and she really looked the part. While it didn’t necessarily top her costume from the previous year, it was still a lot of fun and turned out to be one of my favorite costumes of the year.

2003: Alien Renegade
After her awesome but not quite as awesome as I expected appearance as Betty Boop in 2003, Heidi’s 2003 costume really upped the ante. Sexy yet somehow disturbing, her Alien Renegade costume really was a standout and put her firmly on my Halloween watch list. I have not lost faith in her since. The detail in the costume and her obvious confidence while wearing it made this one of my favorite Klum costumes by a mile.

2004: Voodoo Princess
Bright, vibrant and wonderfully over the top, Heidi’s voodoo princess costume was hands down my favorite costume of 2004. There is nothing about this costume I wasn’t crazy about. It was sexy. It was daring and more importantly, I’d never seen anything like it before. That excited me in ways I can’t explain. I learned quickly that when it comes to Heidi Klum and Halloween, it’s always best to expect the unexpected.

2005: Vampire
Leave it to Heidi Klum to take a costume as cliche as the vampire and turn it into something bold and exciting. The little touches of red around the hem of the skirt, on her chest and around her eyes transformed what could have been a boring and predictable costume into something far more exciting. Heidi’s confident attitude fit perfectly in with the costume. Had anyone else worn this, I’m not sure I would’ve loved it quite as much as I did, but Heidi has the fiery attitude it takes to pull this one off.

2006: Original Sin
Not one to let a little thing like pregnancy stand in the way of her Halloween fun, a very pregnant Heidi Klum once again wowed Halloween fans everywhere with a wildly creative costume no one saw coming. Dressed as literal forbidden fruit, Klum’s costume was completed with an excellent finishing touch – the snake that talked Eve into taking that infamous first bite. Even better? Klum’s husband, Seal, donned a blond wig and went as Eve. A wonderfully creative spin on a wonderfully creative costume. Read on to the end for pictures of Heidi and Seal’s best couples costumes including this one.

2007: Kitty!
I know, I know. There’s very little about a sexy cat costume that’s unique but somehow, even wearing something so cliche, Klum manages to stand out. I love the actual cat suit and the tip of the tail is a nice touch. I think what I really like about this one though is the collar. With a costume that so common, it’s the little details that set it apart and while I’ve seen many a sexy cat at various Halloween parties over the years, I’ve never seen it pulled off quite this well.

2008: The Goddess Kali
Wow. I don’t even know what to say about this one. If there was ever a doubt that Klum takes Halloween seriously, this costume really put those doubts to rest. Sure she stirred up a little controversy with this one but Halloween isn’t about being politically correct. Halloween is about, well, this. This costume is exactly it. It’s wild from top to bottom. I’m not sure I could choose a favorite Klum costume but if I was forced to, I very well might go with this one.

2009: Crow
Heidi Klum’s crow costume was another source of controversy from people with far too much time on their hands. The use of black face is obviously extremely offensive but that’s not what this is. Crows are black so she painted her face black. She painted herself blue the year before. The fact that her husband is black and also painted his face black was one that seemed to be lost on most of the people making a fuss. Ah well, what chance does logic or common sense have when moral outrage is involved.

2010: Transformer
Just when you think Heidi can’t top herself, this happens. I believe she’s supposed to be a Transformer but I look at this and see some sort of alien robot thing but that doesn’t matter. This was a Halloween costume of epic proportions. This picture really doesn’t do it justice but I’m including a picture of Heidi and Seal (he was dressed as the Silver Surfer) at the end. Take a peak. Heidi was massive in this thing! Well done. I was pretty sure there was no way she would be able to top this one and then this happened…

2011: Dead Body
Yes. Yes! Here we see Heidi being rolled into her party at Tao nightclub on a stretcher.

She sits up, staring menacingly at the camera. It’s almost as if she’s daring us to tell her that this costume isn’t as good as last year’s. Finally…

When we take a close look at the full costume, we really get to see the detail. It’s grotesque. It’s disturbing. It’s the Halloween costume to end all Halloween costumes. I wasn’t sure Heidi would ever be able to top her Goddess Kali costume or even the transformer but this one takes costumes to a whole new level. It is proof positive that when it comes to celebrities and Halloween, no one does it like Heidi Klum. But hey, let’s not take credit away from her wonderful husband and her Halloween partner in crime. Below, you’ll see three of their best couples costumes. My favorite is now and likely always will be ‘Original Sin’ but who knows what next year holds. When it comes to Heidi and Halloween, the possibilities are endless. Enjoy!